Proper Inflation
Maintaining proper air pressure is the single most important thing drivers can do for their tyres. In the space of just one month, a tyre can lose 10 pounds (psi) of air pressure. It is important to check your air pressure regularly, to make sure your tyres are neither under- nor over-inflated.
Check Your Tyre Tread
The best way to check your tread is by looking at the tread wear indicator bar that's molded into your tyres. The bars are located at the bottoms of the tread grooves in several locations around the tyre. When a tyre is so worn that these bars become visibly flush with the adjacent tread ribs, it's time to replace the tyre.
Know What Certain Wear Patterns Mean
As tyres wear, sometimes wear patterns emerge that can indicate problems with your vehicle or tyres. If you see any of these patterns, have your tyres checked by a professional Beaurepaires Retailer. Here are some wear patterns to watch for.
The worst enemy a tyre can have is too little inflation pressure. Under inflation reduces treadlife through increased tread wear on the outside edges (or shoulders) of the tyre. It also generates excessive heat which reduces tyre durability. Finally, it reduces fuel economy through increased rolling resistance (soft car tyres make your vehicle work harder). Check your tyres regularly for proper inflation. Abnormal tyre wear may also be due to misalignment or mechanical problems. Beaurepaires retailers can provide expert diagnosis and repair.
When a tyre is over inflated, the centre of the tread bears most of the load and wears out faster than the outside edges. Uneven wear reduces the useful life of a tyre. Check your tyres regularly for proper inflation. Abnormal tyre wear may also be due to misalignment or mechanical problems. Beaurepaires retailers can provide expert diagnosis and repair.
Cups or dips in the tread: WORN PARTS
Cupping (also called dipping) is most common on front tyres, although rear tyres can cup as well. It may be a sign that the wheels are out of balance or that suspension or steering system parts are worn out. Learn about our wheel balancing services.
Sawtooth Edges: MISALIGNMENT
Do the edges of the tread take on a sawtooth or feathered appearance? This is caused by erratic scrubbing against the road. The solution is toe-in or toe-out.
Learn about our wheel alignment services.
To find the proper air pressure for your tyres, look in the vehicle owner's manual, on the driver's side door jamb or in the glove box. And if you buy new tyres, be sure to learn the correct pressure from your dealer. Check your tyre pressure at least once a month, and use a good quality air gauge. Or, stop by your local Beaurepaires dealer and have your air pressure checked and corrected for free with our FREE Tyre Health check.