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How would you like to find your tyres? Rego / Number Plate
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Tyre Size
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What is the vehicle registration number (Rego) on your number plate? Sorry, we couldn’t find a matching vehicle for the Rego details you provided:
Check the following details on your front & rear tyre for accurate sizes
What is your preferred driving style? Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Stopping Distance Mileage Handling Quiet/Comfort Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Handling Stopping Distance Quiet/Comfort Mileage Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Durability Mileage Traction Quiet/Comfort Where do you want to get your tyres fitted?
What year is your vehicle? What make is your vehicle? What model is your vehicle? What series is your vehicle?
Check the following details on your front & rear tyre for accurate sizes
What is your preferred driving style? Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Stopping Distance Mileage Handling Quiet / Comfort Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Handling Stopping Distance Quiet/Comfort Mileage Drag and drop the below attributes to indicate your driving style priority
Durability Mileage Traction Quiet/Comfort Where do you want to get your tyres fitted?
What’s the width of your tyre? Where do you want to get your tyres fitted?
You can reorder the below attributes to indicate your priority
Stopping Distance Mileage Handling Quiet/Comfort You can reorder the below attributes to indicate your priority
Handling Stopping Distance Quiet/Comfort Mileage You can reorder the below attributes to indicate your priority
Durability Mileage Traction Quiet/Comfort How would you like to find your wheels? Rego / Number Plate
Find matches by your state's public vehicle records
Vehicle Type
Find matches by vehicle's year, make, model & series
Wheel Size
Find matches by the size found on your wheel's sidewall
What is the vehicle registration number (Rego) on your number plate? Sorry, we couldn’t find a matching vehicle for the Rego details you provided:
We found a match, is this the vehicle you need wheels for? Where do you want to get your wheels fitted?
What year is your vehicle? What make is your vehicle? What model is your vehicle? What series is your vehicle? We found a match, is this the vehicle you need wheels for? Where do you want to get your wheels fitted?
What’s the diameter of your wheels? What’s the width of your wheels? Where do you want to get your wheels fitted?
Environmental Policy
Goodyear, the parent company of Beaurepaires, has always strived to achieve 100 percent compliance with its environmental goals and objectives.
What is Goodyear's environmental policy?
Goodyear’s environmental policy requires the company to set goals that seek continuous improvement in reducing the environmental impact of its operations. This involves a focus on conserving natural resources, minimising waste and emissions, reusing and recycling materials, and managing energy use.
Goodyear is among a number of tyre and automotive companies that report environmental data, documenting its progress in reducing the amount of materials that could pose harm to the environment.
Goodyear has been proud to be part of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development since 2006.
Tyre Stewardship Australia
Click here to learn about Tyre Stewardship Australia - Beaurepaires key sustainability and recycling program.